Friday 23 March 2012

1 week to go... So close yet so far away

Time has gone very fast and now it's only 1 week to go until we will be on the plane and headed for the other side of the world. I only have 3 more work days next week and that is exciting in itself, but to know at the end of next week we will be at the airport with luggage and anticipation loaded up just adds another element of excitement. Final important things to do : 1 - get hair cut and colored. Very important! 2 - mums nails need doing so she has pretty hands during our trip. 3 - make sure. Our technology gear is all hooked up and ready to go. 4 - realize we should be excited, not nervous. I have the flu (a little flu anyway) so if that would subside before departure I would be extremely grateful... Noting worse than a coughing sneezing passenger on a long haul flight. Maybe if I get really sick an upgrade to first class may be on the cards - yeah right!

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