Saturday 10 March 2012

3 weeks to go!

The 3 week mark has hit and the nerves are starting to hit also. I’m excited as can be, but also nervous as this is unchartered territory for both of us so there is a tiny bit of apprehension there too. Spent the day with mum yesterday to buy gifts for the relo’s in UK and also bought some little necessities for our trip. We finally got our travel documents last week, so this made it all the more real, as we now have something in our hands.
My luggage is out on the couch and I have been filling it with little things each day, as I will forget these things if I leave them to the last minute. Mum’s luggage has been filling up slowly also from a few weeks ago.

We talk about all the things we are going to buy while we are over there, and all the nibbles we will try (I fear I am a little more adventurous than mum – but she can try what I order to see if she likes it) and the experiences we hope to have, and all this is becoming more real as the days go on. Soon it wont just be idle chatter – we will be experiencing it and the camera lens will be working overtime, as well as our mouths!
Now to put in the hard slog for the next 3 weeks to earn the extra $$ for the trip. I know I could find a way to spend it... no doubt :o)
P.S. love the luggage - nice Xmas pressie - thanks mum xo

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