Tuesday 1 May 2012

Seeing the world from a great height - Mt Pilatus

Today we woke up to a lovely view of lake Lucerne in Switzerland, and our first point of call of the day was to venture up the mountains for a horse and buggy ride and a mountain cable car excursion.

We drove half way up mount titlus - lol - and stopped off at a local farm. This was a dairy farm and they had Swiss brown cows - like the mushroom but a lot smellier lol. They made their own cheese and we got to try some that was freshly made, and some that was 3 years old. The older cheese was sweeter and very nice. They also made cake and coffee and wine so we had some of that for morning tea.

We then got in a horse buggy and went for a mountain ride. This was so relaxing and a great start to the day. I picked up a sugar daddy on my trip too - Bill is a guy we have met on our tour and his wife Angela was fine with him kissing me on my cheek. Bill says this picture is for you Steve xx

After our horsey ride, we headed further up the mountain to Mt Pilatus where we caught cable cars which took us up to the summit of a 7500 foot mountain covered in snow! Mum didn't do so well but she did it and that's the main thing. The view was stunning and something we were glad we got to see.

We went up one cable car which was small and only for 4 people into it; mum closed her eyes the whole time and the people we were sharing the car with weren't extremely helpful in staying still whilst the cable car was going, so it was a bit of a hellish ride in the small car.

We then moved into a bigger cable car where there were around 40 people in it, and the squealing and carry on that went on in that bus wasn't helpful either! We eventually got to the summit and mum had made it without vomiting or fainting so all was positive. Coming down the mountain was easier she says, she managed to open her eyes and say a few words so that's improvement!

Later that afternoon we had free time in the city of Lucerne, so we mooched around the shops and the chocolate shops got a bit of a workout. Mum and I decided to do a bit of shopping separately and said we would meet up at 6pm at the gelati shop. Little did we know we were both talking about different gelati shops so we waited for each other in separate places in the cold wind for almost an hour. When we eventually met up afterwards we approached each other yelling at each other about where we each were. It's funny to look back on now but at the time we were really peeved!

It was a great day and we head to Germany tomorrow for bratwurst and beer steins and sauerkraut!

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