Sunday 15 April 2012

Barcelona, amazing!

Today we had an 8 hour drive ahead of us from Madrid to Barcelona. Our tour director didn't want to tell us how long it was going to take, so he just said it was 600km to get there from Madrid. We had to work the rest out ourselves. In the end it took 8hrs with a couple of rest stops on the way.

Once we got to Barcelona, we had a city sightseeing tour in the bus and got out at the major attractions, such as gaudis famous cathedral and we ended up at a Spanish buffet restaurant for dinner.

This was great as anyone who knows me knows I get bored with food very quickly so to be able to choose a little bit of everything was a huge delight for me. Anyone who knows mum would know that all that food was not her thing and only one of us would really have appreciated the amount of choice.

I decided on some paella and some crab stuff and salads, and they also brought meat out on swords so I had some of that too. I tried the wine but it was too dry for me. Dessert was a chocolate mousse cake with raspberry sorbet which mum enjoyed more than the hot dinner choices.

The restaurant looked like the inside of a ship and the toilet had a table in the middle which had a glass top supported by a huge gold propellor like they would use on a ship. It's a bit odd to take a pic of a bathroom but this was so unusual we just had to.

After dinner we headed back into the city centre where we were treated to a light and symphony show which was choreographed to the water fountains located in the city centre. This was gorgeous and I just wanted to jump in and have fun. Mum was not as adventurous with that idea so decided it was best to stay dry. Funny thing tho, it began to pour with rain so we ended the night early. I did get a dance in front of the fountain in tho. I'm finally getting over my fear of public dancing and singing Annie!

Tomorrow is a trip to Montserrat and a dinner and flamenco show in the evening. We can't wait!

Oh and the amount of windfarms in spain is nuts! They are huge and scary and in my opinion just plain unnecessary lol.

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