Tuesday 17 April 2012

I forgot to mention... We also went to Montserrat. Oops!

On the day we had the flamenco show we spent the day at Montserrat. This is a serrated mountain, hence the name, and on top of this jagged mountain is a basilica with the black virgin Mary encased in glass within the basilica.

We journeyed up the mountain to this unchanged township, and I must say I don't know how mum managed to make the drive up there without vomiting all over everyone! She does not cope with heights very well... But alas we made it eventually and got a good chance to look around and see the beauty of this mountain from up close.

The basilica is beautiful, but the views from atop this mountain are breath taking. There was a market being held up there also, so we got to try some goats cheese, some cows cheese and some Sheep cheese. We both liked the Sheep cheese the best, but couldn't eat a whole wheel of it so decided not to buy any. Can't say the same for the creme brûlée chocolate tho. That came back with us.

I thought I would buy a small bottle of the special liqueur the monks up there make so I have some for when I get home for a special occasion.

Thee was a store up there which mostly sold angels, so we headed in there and each bought an angel. We lit a candle for special people in the basillica, and took in the views until the bus departed.

Later that night was the flamenco dancing. I'm such a duffa I forgot to write about the day, and skipped to the exciting path of the night instead. All in all a good day!

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