Monday 2 April 2012

London calling!!

Today we spent the day in London with cousin Madeline. Maddy is mums 2nd cousin but my 3rd cousin or something like that and she is a great girl.

Maddy and I experienced the London eye and mum decided she would keep watch down below on terra firma lol.

We then went on a Thames river cruise where we saw tower bridge and some really great sights.

We met so many people today like strangers on the train and photo guy who charged our camera battery up and we had a good ol chin wag with and boat guy who was very cheeky but an absolute card.

Went to a little market think it was called spittlefield market or something like that. Saw some very unsavory characters so hauled ass out of there very quickly.

Then went to covent garden which is an undercover market place with heaps of buskers and shops. Copper guy was there busking.

Highlight of day... Saw a pub with a dirty name, tried on silly sunglasses and got asked to have my picture on the shops facebook page (cue the bros song "when will i be famous" and had some great laughs. Realized that the Aussie accent draws people in like magnets and they just want to know where ur from, how long ur staying, etc. great way to meet new people and experience the city.

P.s. check out the chick in the background of the sunnies pick with mum and maddy. Sour puss lol xx

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