Saturday 28 April 2012

The hills are alive... With the sound of Salzburg

I have a confession to make, and I fear I'm gonna make any musical movie tragic very upset... I had never seen The Sound of Music... Never... That was until today. I have finally been subjected to this film and I have to say it wasn't complete torture like I thought it would be.

Anyone who knows mum and I knows that mum loves music and musicals, anything to do with music... I do also but my appreciation for movies which are musicals does not stretch to any level which would surpass mums love for them.

The only musicals I have seen are the Rocky Horror Show, Mary Poppins and the Lion King, so my musical repertoire is a little lackluster I must admit. Never the less I saw the movie, I knew all the songs and it wasn't bad at all. I'm sure some of my friends are thoroughly enjoying reading this as they knew there was a musical tragic hidden under this tough exterior somewhere...

The reason you had to read all that crap about musicals is because we arrived in Salzburg today, home of the Sound of Music movie and the Von Trapp family.

We are by no means travel experts but there is not much else to Salzburg other than this movie for most people, however mum and I found this little city to be quite enchanting and just lovely to be in. The people are relaxed and the atmosphere is calm, compared to say Rome or Paris anyway!

We saw lots of people with little clothing on today, as Europe is having quite a heat wave... We actually got sunburnt in Germany-Austria as it was 32degrees today! I saw snow on the mountain peaks, and i still get burnt - go figure!

There was a market on today and we saw lots of street stalls and people dressed in traditional garb. It seemed to us tho that they wore what they did because they wanted to, not for work, but for fun. Weird Germans lol. We saw Mozart's birthplace too which was very busy; people taking pics left, right and centre! We also saw a busker who looked as if they we're perched in mid air and it was great. I won't tell you how they do it, you can figure it our for yourselves!

We walked over a bridge which had lots of padlocks on it and it was strange but weirdly funky at the same time. We found out that lovers take their padlocks to this bridge and place it locked on the bridge together and then throw the keys into the river as a promise that their love will remain strong like the padlock for all time and can never be broken as the river has the keys now. How lovely!

We only spent a couple of hours at Salzburg tho as we were headed for Munich today. We arrived in Munich around 5:00pm, but as mum and I saw a little too much sun today, we decided to stay in the room of the hotel- the Hilton Munich hotel I might add (fancy!) - and sleep the afternoon/night away.

We are headed to lichtenstein and Switzerland tomorrow so we will need our rest.

P.S. check out the road sign , ausfahrt (yes a word that sounds like fart amuses us, but we're simple people lol) apparently means way out or exit out, we thought it was hilarious and hope to see more weird signs in Germany as we have heard there are some way worse than this one. Apparently goodfahrt means "good journey" so do what you wish with that one xxx

1 comment:

  1. You forgot Grease "Danny" ............."SANDY". Haha. I confess to never seeing the sound of music either.
