Sunday 22 April 2012

The isle of Capri. Stunning!

Today mum and I visited the isle of Capri. This is the place where famous people like Sophia Loren and great Italian actors had their holiday homes and made movies on this island also.

We had to get to the island by boat - funny that, an island surrounded by water lol. Anyway, the boat was fairly big but the sea was very choppy and many people were sick on the journey to the island. There are 2 things I don't cope we'll with... One being on rough water, and two I cannot stand people being sick near me, it makes me want to vomit in turn and it's a vicious cycle. I managed to keep my stomach however and was so glad to see the land when we arrived.

The first thing we did was ride on a funiculare which is like a see through elevator which goes up a hill which is very steep. We made of up there and once we did it was a little like Monaco but on a smaller scale. There were designer shops galore and so many beautiful views and boutiques that it was another rich persons paradise!

The tour group were travelling on the road we nick named oh my god avenue as the cliff drops off it were so steep mum and I decided to stay where we were and not tempt fate.

We spent oil afternoon on our own away from the group and the crowds and it was fantastic. We had a pizza lunch under lemon trees with a view of Naples and the Mediterranean ocean. It was amazing and surreal!

We drove back in the afternoon, the boat journey back to sorrento was much smoother than on the way so no one was ill and neither was I.

We had a dinner in the hotel that night and we were served by a hotel waiter who was a spitting image of Robert deniro, which he was so happy to hear and everyone wanted photos with him. Lots of laughs at dinner and all in all a great day.

We have decided to sleep in tomorrow and not travel on horrid scary roads to positano so we will sleep in and join the group for the trip to Rome.

Oh yeah, one of these photos is an Italian momma yelling at her son from the window, we loved it so much we needed a picture!

1 comment:

  1. Oh its all just so beautiful, Cam is gelling sick of me saying "I want to go there" every time I read a new post xxx
