Saturday 21 April 2012

Pompeii - the ancient city under volcano ash

We travelled from Assisi to Sorrento today but on the way we stopped off at the ancient city of Pompeii. Pompeii is a city that was alive and kicking over 2000 years ago and it was one day covered in volcanic ash when Mt Vesuvius decided to erupt and completely destroy all that lived and breathed in the area.

We were lucky to see where the public baths were in the city and learnt that 2000 years ago life was pretty much the same as it is today with shops and transport - granted it was horses and donkeys but they had roads and places to park your mule, running water, etc.

We also got to see where the bakeries and take away food shops were. The take away back then was soups and stews, breads and pastries and things like that. They had these terra cotta pots where they used to keep the food hot for the town people to buy as take away. Amazing!

One of the most interesting parts was that we got to see the brothels that were in operation back then and what they were like, and we were told that this oldest profession was similar back then to what it is today except the beds were made from concrete with mattresses put on top. Interesting as life was pretty much the same but you expect 2000 years ago to be so primitive but it's not so.

There are stray animals roaming Pompeii and we saw half a dozen dogs and a cat there. They looked well fed (many a sympathetic tourist has fed them tid bits over the years) but they sleep in the sun and drink the town water and socialize with the tourists so life is not too bad for them.

Mum says that the city of Pompeii is burned into her retinas forever and she will never forget what she saw and experienced this day. After this surreal experience, we headed to the beachside area of Sorrento for the next 2 nights.

For those of you who are interested, I can show you some racy pics of tiles with drawings on them from 2000 years ago from the brothels. They are actually fairly graphic and it's clear what the drawings are depicting. Will show you dirty birds when we get home!

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